SHOCKING! New York Times Calls Lata Mangeshkar 'A So-Called Playback Singer'!

With a career spanning over seven decades, with over 25,000 solo songs sung in about 20 different Indian languages, Lata Mangeskhar is a legend who also holds the Guiness Book world record for being the most recorded artist in history so far.
Bollywood buffs and music fans are not new to the feats achieved by this octogenarian singer, but her fame also has massive international following. Thus when, Indian comedian Tanmay Bhat of AIB fame, made fun of the respected artist recently with a series of videos on Twitter, there was a severe backlash against the comedian, to the extent of some demanding his arrest.
However, what was further shocking is that a well-known newspaper like the New York Times, while reporting on the controversy called Lataji a ‘so-called playback singer of Bollywood films whose career dates to the 1940s’.  Tanmay Bhat may be crass, but this is an even bigger faux pas!
Read the whole article HERE.
Lata Mangeshkar pictured here with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. More-Info


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