Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande’s break up has been in the news for quite some time now. The couple ended their six-year-old relationship, and though the reason behind the split is unclear, Sushant took to Twitter to clarify, and said, "Neither she was an alcoholic nor I am a womaniser. People do Grow apart & its unfortunate. Period!!"
However, according to a report on Spotboye, a source close to the actors claims the opposite.
The source was quoted saying, “Ankita does have a drinking problem and Sushant had been getting a bit too close for comfort with females, some of who are even celebrities.”
And now, according to another source Ankita is apparently desperate to get back to Sushant and has allegedly been sending feelers through their common friends. But apparently Sushant is not too keen and is in no mood to patch things up! More-Info
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